resources+ quick links
RHHS Resources
Program Information
The Head Coach uses REMIND to send out team updates. Prospective players and team members will receive this the remind code during the team interest meeting.
Physicals need to be turned in to Eli Bray -( The physical form accepted by RHHS is located at:
Conditioning will begin on Wednesdays and Fridays starting September and usually run from 2:45PM-4:00PM. Conditioning is not mandatory, however it is highly encouraged! Participation in conditioning does not guarantee a spot in the program for the season.
Tryouts begin January , games start typically early February and the season will run through May.
All players will undergo an evaluation of skill, motivation, dedication, and attitude.
All of these factors will play into the Coaches decision and will be evaluated throughout the season. It is expected that all players have full knowledge of the rules and basic stick skills to be considered to be a part of the program.
Players may be assigned to the JV or Varsity team at the beginning of the season. Players at both levels should have an expectation that their skills and development will be consistently evaluated and monitored. Coaches will communicate areas for improvement throughout the season.
An assignment to the JV or Varsity team is flexible and subject to change at any point in time.
Some players may dress for both JV and Varsity games in accordance with GHSA policy.
Playing time is not equitable or guaranteed. Playing time will be determined by the coaching staff. Players are encouraged to have a conversation with the coaching staff, should playing time be a concern.
In accordance with the school calendar, though subject to change, practices and games are from Monday-Saturday. Players should plan accordingly and adjust their personal schedules, if needed.
If there are any obstacles that could pose a conflict and/or cause a player to miss any practices or games, an appointment should be set up with the head coach to discuss the matter.
Coach McDonough- Room 516
A positive attitude and willingness to learn is expected by all players; regardless of skill level. Players must be receptive to instruction and correction and are expected to respect the coaches and their teammates at all times. Expectations of each player will be held to a high standard and failure to uphold these expectations can result in dismissal from the program.
Sportsmanship and teamwork are essential and are expected from all players on the team. Sportsmanship is to be shown to all opposing players, coaches, officials, and parents/fans. Failure to uphold these expectations can result in dismissal from the program.
BCS Student Handbook :Players are expected to read, understand, and abide by the Bryan County School Student Handbook at all times. This includes appropriate social media profiles and dressing appropriately at school and school events. It is the player’s responsibility to self-report any issue in which their behavior may put the school or the program in a negative light. Failure to self-report may cause dismissal from the program.
Grades : Students must have passed 75% (3 out of 4) of their first semester classes to be a member of the team in the spring and must currently be passing 75% (3 out of 4) of their second semester classes to participate in practices and games.
Richmond Hill parents have an opportunity to observe their children in an athletic setting and be supportive fans, not coaches, of the team, sport, school, and their player. Wildcat parents can support the team from the stands and/or outside of the fence line. Under no circumstances should parents or family members be in the bench area (the only exception to this is when parents are summoned by the Coaching or Athletic Training Staff due to a medical concern).
◦ If an issue arises concerning the player, please use the following procedures:
▪ The player should communicate the concerns or issues with the Head Coach, first.
Coach McDonough- Room 516 908.328.5362
▪ Parents are not to communicate concerns with the Head Coach before the player attempts to reach out and meet.
▪ If the issue/concern remains unresolved, the parent may contact the Head Coach via email. Conversations before, during or after practices or competitions are not suggested nor encouraged.
▪ If the issue remains unresolved after the player and parent have communicated their concerns to the Head Coach, the Athletic Director will be invited to join the communication.
▪ If all attempts have been exhausted and no resolution is found, the Principal, Athletic Director, Head Coach, Parent, and Player will meet and a final step will take place.
Player Fees will be collected by each member of the team.
Seniors: $400 (includes banner)
Underclassman $350
▪ Student athletes can offset their costs by raising funds through fundraising opportunities and by collecting TEAM sponsorships.
▪ Team sponsorships do not guarantee a player a spot on the roster. If a prospective player does not make the roster or is dismissed from the team at any point in the season, the player forfeits any and all team recognition, gifts, etc..
All student athletes on the RH Girls Lacrosse team will be required to have black Nike socks, white Nike socks, a mouthguard (white is not permitted), cleats, and a lacrosse stick.
◦ All student athletes playing attack, midfield, and/or defense will also need their own goggles, as well as white AND black game day spandex (3” or more).
◦ All student athletes playing goalie will also need to provide their own goalie gloves. If you need guidance on what to purchase, please ask.
Website -
◦ Facebook- Richmond Hill High School Girls Lacrosse (maintained by Executive Board)
◦ We will be updating Facebook for the 23-24 Season - look for more information to come!
◦ Instagram - rhhs_girls_lacrosse
◦ Twitter - @RHGirlsLacrosse (maintained by Coach McDonough)
What is HUDL and why does the team use it?
◦ HUDL provides video review and performance analysis tools for teams and athletes at every level. This is a substantial tool that is utilized in our recruiting process that EACH member on the team will have access to and have their own profile.
• What is MaxPreps and why does the team use it?
◦ MaxPreps provides any team in the nation a place to share schedules, results, rosters, and detailed player stats. This is another substantial tool that is utilized in our recruiting process, as well as a great source of information regarding
What is GoFan? GoFan is a professional digital ticketing and event management system that our school uses for purchasing game tickets. All home game tickets must be purchased through GoFan. Away games are determined by the opposing school.
Resources That Point You In The Right Direction.
Booster Club Information
Each family/parent automatically becomes a member of the booster club once their student has made the team and dues have been paid. As a member each family will have one vote when the need arises.
The purpose of the Booster Club is to support the Varsity/JV team, individual players, coaches, and parents. We are a non-profit organization composed solely of volunteers. We offer a variety of ways people can lend a hand and encourage everyone to participate.
How can you help?
Help build our team snack pantry with donations. Get involved by volunteering to work on special committees, announce at home games, help set up the field for game day.
Show your support by encouraging academic excellence and sportsmanship.
Participate in fundraisers during the season.
Be an active Lax Wildcats fan by attending games and supporting the players.
The Executive Board, aka Booster Board, helps support the coaches, team, and parents. The board consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Special interest positions are open at different times, but the appointed member is not part of the Executive Board.
◦ The Board will hold meetings and communicate through email to keep the members informed.
▪ The main form of communication from the Board will be through email and the RH Girls Lacrosse website. The Board will also use social media sites as an additional form of communication, at times.
◦ For more details on what the Board does, please see the current RH Girls Lacrosse Bylaws.
The money raised goes toward many things such as: team pinnies, team uniforms- as needed, team equipment, goalie equipment, player’s gear (e.g., shooter shirts, team shirts, etc.), team backpacks (that the girls will get to keep), team meals, snacks, and drinks, team outings, team gifts and prizes, End of Season Banquet cost for one team member and two guest, travel/hotel cost, playoff fees, team/coaches/announcer gifts, EOS rewards, a team HUDL subscription (if not covered by the school), field paint, paint/line machine, and Senior Night, a full page Senior recognition page in the yearbook, and much more!
2023-2024 Booster Club Executive Board
President Erica Minton
Vice President Kandie Spence
Treasurer Civility Bowling
Secretary Jessica Reed
RH Girls Lacrosse Boosters
PO Box 1353, Richmond Hill GA 31324